We plan studies based on a three-wave design and a time lag of 9 months with peacekeeping militaries (the first moment in the beginning of mission, the second on the middle and the third three month after the end) or of 18 months with aircrew and technicians and managers who temporarily work in another city/country and are away from their family.
The longitudinal analysis will provide us with the opportunity to test the normal, reversed or reciprocity approach relations between variables. Thus, we expect to disentangle the key role that boundary management has in the work-family conflict and enrichment with this design and, consequently, its effect on employees’ well-being at work and subjective well-being. We also expect to clarify the role that family supportive supervisory behavior, the work-family culture and spouse support has on these relations.
We will provide online questionnaires when the human resources department of each organization reports that it is more feasible, or we will provide the distribution and collection of questionnaires when the same department considers it to be more reasonable. Participation in the study is voluntary.
These studies use repetitive measures and, to avoid common method and self-report biases in the subsample of workers who are married, spouses support and workers’ well-being will be reported by spouses. The overall results will be reported to the CEO (survey feedback method).
All respondents will complete the survey anonymously and will be assured by the researcher that their answers will remain confidential. It should be noted that informed consent will be given before the participants begin to answer.
The “Work-Family boundary dynamics in non-traditional jobs” is a FCT funded project - PTDC/PSI-GER/32367/2017